You attended a Pride festival knowing you were homophobic? I can’t take this blog post seriously at all. I’m ashamed to attend a university with someone who fails to prioritize Christ-like love.

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I can confirm what the gentleman said about FSY counselors. A young man from our ward who says he's gay worked all summer for FSY. That bothered me.

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Why did it bother you knowing he was gay?

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Thank you so much for clearly explaining what is promoted at this festival. It is NOT love, not kindness nor compassion to put vulnerable children and adults on a pathway to mutilating their bodies and a lifetime of medical dependency and regret. These precious children of God will have no sexual function and be sterile.

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Pres Oaks explains this well:

“In mortality, choice is a method, not a goal.

“Of course, mortals must still resolve many questions concerning what restrictions or consequences should be placed upon choices. But those questions come under the heading of freedom, not agency. Many do not understand that important fact. For example, when I was serving here at BYU, I heard many arguments on BYU’s Honor Code or dress and grooming standards that went like this: ‘It is wrong for BYU to take away my free agency by forcing me to keep certain rules in order to be admitted or permitted to continue as a student.’ If that silly reasoning were valid, then the Lord, who gave us our agency, took it away when he gave the Ten Commandments. We are responsible to use our agency in a world of choices. It will not do to pretend that our agency has been taken away when we are not free to exercise it without unwelcome consequences.

“Because choice is a method, choices can be exercised either way on any matter, and our choices can serve any goal. Therefore, those who consider freedom of choice as a goal can easily slip into the position of trying to justify any choice that is made. ‘Choice’ can even become a slogan to justify one particular choice.”


Do you consider the sexualization of children to be the same as being right or left handed? Watching sexual performances has no psychological effect on children? Pornography and social contagion have nothing to do with the exponential increase in transgenderism in children? Do you believe a child can consent to watch sexual performances? Can a child consent to puberty blockers, cross hormones and irreversible surgeries that cause sterilization and inability to orgasm? Should a doctor be permitted to perform any surgery a patient requests? Liposuction on a woman who is anorexic?

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